The story of Fearless Felt Watercolor Journals
A 7 year old asked me what I do and when I said I teach people to draw she said.."Did they forget?"
It is a gorgeous day and you are going out sketching with your friends. Grab your bag with your supplies and your lightweight Fearless Felt Journal (weighing only 9 oz.) What fun!
Fearless Felt Journals started when I become involved with Urban Sketching* and found that I needed a more flexible and lightweight sketchbook to easily sketch with, even when standing.
I call them Fearless because when I am sketching out on location, people who watch us say “I can’t draw”. EVERYONE can learn to draw and sketch, be FEARLESS! It is a very satisfying and wonderful way to observe the world, stimulate your brain, make friends from everywhere, and make ART!
The rich and vibrant colored covers are beautiful 100% wool felt, and are soft and durable. I use Fabriano Artistico 140 lb., cold pressed, extra white watercolor paper. The elastic band system allows you flexibility in how you use the 32 pages. Refills can be purchased of 16 pages each.
Can you imagine who in your life would love to receive a Fearless Felt Watercolor Journal, a gift of beauty and creativity? I also have an option of writing paper refill for those who journal.
Eileen P. Goldenberg
* A global movement of people sketching on location in groups,
Here are some photos of Fearless Felt Journals in action!